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Lead Free Solder Paste

Alloy:Sn64Ag1.0Bi35 Package:20bottle/box
Feature Parameter
Goods Solderability,Strong Joints
Even Core Flux Distribution
Fine Process Reliability
Low Free Clearing Residue
Melting Point 185oC
Weight 500g/bottle
Granule: 25-45um
Viscosity: 190±20Pa.S
Alloy:Sn42Bi58 Package:20bottle/box
Feature Parameter
Goods Solderability,Strong Joints
Even Core Flux Distribution
Fine Process Reliability
Low Free Clearing Residue
Melting Point 138oC
Weight 500g/bottle
Granule: 25-45um
Viscosity: 190±20Pa.S
Alloy:Sn99Ag0.3Cu0.7 Package:20bottle/box
Feature Parameter
Goods Solderability,Strong Joints
Even Core Flux Distribution
Fine Process Reliability
Low Free Clearing Residue
Melting Point 227oC
Weight 500g/bottle
Granule: 25-45um
Viscosity: 190±20Pa.S
Alloy:Sn99Ag3.0Cu0.5 Package:20bottle/box
Feature Parameter
Goods Solderability,Strong Joints
Even Core Flux Distribution
Fine Process Reliability
Low Free Clearing Residue
Melting Point 217oC
Weight 500g/bottle
Granule: 25-45um
Viscosity: 190±20Pa.S
Alloy:Sn64.7Ag0.3Bi35 Package:20bottle/box
Feature Parameter
Goods Solderability,Strong Joints
Even Core Flux Distribution
Fine Process Reliability
Low Free Clearing Residue
Melting Point 178oC
Weight 500g/bottle
Granule: 25-45um
Viscosity: 190±20Pa.S