ESD Product
Protecting delicate electronic components from static electricity requires the use of electrostatic discharge (ESD) products. From factory floors to laboratories, they are employed in a variety of settings. Protective clothing choices include ESD dangris, ESD aprons, ESD caps, and ESD fabric. In addition to providing personal grounding solutions, ESD wrist strap monitors and ESD shoes guarantee grounded movement. Particularly useful tools for precise operations include ESD wrist testers, ESD brushes for cleaning PCBs, and ESD tweezers (both plastic and metal).
To improve the workspace, add ESD chairs, stools, tables, bins, trays, crates, and tape. Static charges are also neutralized using ESD ionizing blowers, and surfaces are covered by ESD PVC mats, ESD rubber mats, ESD curtains, and ESD tiles. Maintaining the integrity of electronic equipment is dependent upon these goods, and preventing costly damage.